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The 7 Deadly Sins of Logo Creation

Entrepreneurs who get over-consumed with building a website and logo are often putting the cart before the horse. You should map out your brand promise, brand personality, ideal customer, and product value first before worrying about visual design. However, once your foundation is laid and it’s time to produce a logo, make us all proud, Sis. Avoid these 7 rookie moves that leave your logo screaming ‘amateur!’ Sin #1: You're careless with DIY design When...
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6 Moves to Position Yourself to Hire a Rock Star Team

The worst time to prepare to hire is when you badly need help. You should always operate your business as if someone else is going to run it without you present. This means you put structures in place to systematize, train and manage a team over time - not when the house is on fire. These structures, when built well, can set the tone for high performance. They can also help new employees quickly adjust...
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Networking While Black: Building a Cross-Cultural Power Network

Building a power network is about making a name for yourself and building a community of people who know and support you and your brand, who are willing to do business and enter partnerships with you, and who send business your way. Oftentimes, building this kind of power network this means that stepping outside of the Black community is not only necessary but lucrative. In this global economy, building cross-cultural connections are must. Below are...
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Black Hair, Skin and Body Care Businesses in Denver

Denver Metro is consistently ranked as one of the fastest-growing areas in the nation. We continue to outperform the U.S. as whole with an unemployment rate is 3%, one of the lowest in the country. Great! Especially for the Black professional escaping the hustle of the urban cities in the east and north. Well...great until it’s time to get yo hair did. Moving to Denver can have its beauty and self-care challenges as a Black...
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Secrets for Testing Your Business Idea

Too often, I see our sistahs seeking the traditional method of business startup: get an idea, write a business plan, get funding, launch the business, and get ready for the bumpy drive and possible crash. Sounds pessimistic, but I’ve got some encouraging words of wisdom for the aspiring sistahpreneurs that might increase your chances of avoiding a crash landing. Validate your business idea. This means test it before you spend tons of cash, before you...
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5 Business Model Changes that Can Generate More Revenues

Your business is going nowhere fast without a profitable and sustainable business model. Thinking more about the model - the value proposition, customer avatar, channels, revenue streams and other model components is key to your success. Many great business ideas die because the model was wrong - pricing, delivery, messaging the offer, wrong customer target, etc. Check out these ideas for tweaking or pivoting on your model to make sure your great idea thrives as...
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Why Black Panther Hurts

This weekend I went to see Black Panther along with thousands of other excited viewers. I went to see it twice. I was excited to be in a movie theater where my people came adorned in Afrocentric attire or all Black gear. As trailers rolled, the energy and rising anticipation for the movie was intoxicating. The joy in the room felt good. The movie began and I was mesmerized by the power of the fierce...
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5-Step Formula for Pricing Your Product

I personally know the anxiety that comes with pricing your product and having to negotiate that price. If you’re not a born saleswoman who lives for the challenge of negotiation, easily finds your way to the best price with a customer, and has no problem raising prices, you GO girl. For many of us, though, we often struggle to find the price that we believe is fair, within our customers’ budgets, indicative of the value...
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7 Tips For Charging What You’re Worth

Sis, are you struggling with charging what you are worth? Remember, you are not in business if you give away services and products - you’re only in business when you sell products and services. It’s your job to sell. If you’re not selling, it’s a hobby. If profit isn’t a goal, then start a non-profit, become a philanthropist, or designate a structured program for donations within your revenue-generating business. Here are some tips for your...
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