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3 Common Social Media Mistakes Solopreneurs Make

If you’ve made it a priority to get online and start social media marketing your business, then thumbs up to you, Sis!  Social media platforms are where millions of people go daily, several times a day to connect, explore, and shop. Before you get started, though, I want to share with you three mistakes that I often see sistahpreneurs making when they start using social media as a marketing tool. So take heed and use...
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What Would Olivia Pope Do? Business Lessons from Our Beloved Black TV Characters

I look everywhere for business coaching teachable moments. I love my favorite Black tv show nights, whether I’m keeping up from week to week or binging at the end of a season with popcorn and wine, you know, Olivia Pope-style. I love supporting Black female leading actresses, and I like the entertainment and drama, but a speaker at One Church LA said something profound in a recent sermon. He said, “God doesn’t show you other...
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9 Types of Social Media Posts That Grow Your Business

Curating content for social media posts can be time-consuming, but it’s a necessary part of implementing a successful social media marketing strategy. When deciding what to post, here are some ideas for ways to mix it up with new and fresh types of content.   Shout-outs A major part of successful social media is about building online relationships. When you join groups or communities or post on your page, be sure to identify several influencers in...
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Website Help! Conquering Your Fears

Need website help? Our SPR Online Villagers will run when they see me coming with this article because I sound like a broken record. I’m always stressing the importance of having a revenue-generating website. Why? Because I’m looking out for your coin, Sis. Helping you launch your website is a GREAT way to do this. I see the fear, the hesitation, the feeling of being overwhelmed when a sistahpreneur who doesn’t have a website hears...
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Winners Stay 10 Steps Ahead: Speed and Agility in Business

Successful businesses create systems and cycles for continuous improvement in their business that ensure that their products and services get better and better quickly. They don’t fix things that they would like to fix - they fix things that the customer tells them to fix. They are beasts about using customer feedback to make rapid improvements. The key is to fall in love with mastering repeatability. Drive profits and growth with the following tools for improvement...
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Business Partnership with Friends or Family – The Warning Guide

You and your bestie are exploring a business partnership - two black female entrepreneurs on a mission - what a thrilling journey! You’re excited and you love each other so much! What better way to make that coin than with your husband? You two are going to build a family legacy! You’ll build an empire together and create work days that are full of joy. It’s all fun and games until somebody gets hurt and the day to day...
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6 Questions to Screen Your Potential Business Partnership

Sis, being in a business partnership is a lot like being a part of a marriage. You don’t want to just marry anyone, and similarly, you want your business soul mate. It’s serious business! Here are 7 questions for Black female entrepreneurs to explore before you sign on your side of the dotted line. Do you share the same vision and values for the business? When my sister and I opened our nail salon, she...
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Website Shenanigans: How to Plan for Drama-Free Web Design

So you want a website, but you don’t know HTML, you barely get what a URL is and you’re wondering what in the world SEO is. This isn’t a reason for my Black female entrepreneurs to give up and start posting on Facebook instead. Having a website is critical. It’s your online headquarters. Everything you do with social media, email, webinars, podcasts, and video should drive people to an online home base where customers can learn more...
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Grow or Lose: 6 Keys to Becoming a Stronger Entrepreneur

When we Black female entrepreneurs set goals for our business, how often do we link them to goals for our own professional development? Have you taken time to select key entrepreneurial skills that you need to build in order to increase your profits and build your dream business? If not, check out my  Entrepreneurial Skills List. Have you created a plan with budgeted time and funds for your own development? If not, it’s time, Sis. Here are some key steps to...
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Here’s the Tea on Making Money Online for Black Women Entrepreneurs

I recently moved back into the world of small business full-time. Years ago, when I’d run my own day spa, Facebook was new to the scene and I loved it, but digital and social media marketing weren’t the beasts that they are today yet. I had constant contact and enjoyed sending email newsletters but I’d never heard of a drip campaign and certainly didn’t have the fancy sales tools for linking my email campaign to...
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