There’s Something About Her: Meet the Sistahbiz 2023 Cohort


Welcome to the world of the Sistahbiz 2023 Cohort – affectionately known as “The Dream Team”, this year’s cohort is a group of exceptional women entrepreneurs ready to take their small businesses to the next level. Each business is unique, and behind each mission-driven venture is an inspiring founder with a compelling story of resilience,…

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Providing More Offers to Existing Clients

Black woman entrepreneur in business meeting presenting new offers to her existing clients

  It’s Cheaper to Keep Her: Don’t Sleep on Sales From Existing Clients As a business owner, you understand the importance of acquiring new customers. However, I work continuously with the founders in our community for Black women entrepreneurs to help them understand that it’s equally essential to keep existing customers satisfied and coming back…

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The Crisis of Black Women Entrepreneurs and Time Poverty

Black woman entrepreneur struggling with time poverty, looking at her watch with concern.

    Are Black Women Entrepreneurs More Prone to Time Poverty? I witness the impact of time poverty on Black women entrepreneurs whom I coach way too often. In fact, I’ve battled the issue myself for some time. I think we are especially prone to time poverty because we are often running an under-resourced, understaffed…

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Becoming Bankable: Funding Terms You Need to Know

Accessing capital is one of our toughest challenges as black women-owned businesses. According to a report by Digital Undivided’s Project Diane, firms started by black women received only .0006% of VC funding raised by startups between 2009 and 2017. This number is offensively low! But, the reality is that venture capital (VC) funding often comes…

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Real HR Tips from Black-Owned Businesses You Can Use Today

Human Resources (HR) is one of the most important areas of business development.  Unfortunately, as black entrepreneurs, we can get stuck in the realm of Do-It-Yourself, and often deploy HR strategies with a bootstrapping mentality that can hurt the business. So when demand and growth opportunity increase or our business is experiencing growing pains, we…

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7 Black Women Attorneys You Should Know

Sis, you’ve done an amazing job building your business up to where it is today!  As a solopreneur, we know that scaling to the seven-figure level can be a difficult task. However, you don’t need or have to do this alone! In fact, if you’ve reached this point, then you’ll need the right professionals in…

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Sales Funnel Glossary


● Bounce Rate: A metric that measures the percentage of visitors who enter the site and then leave rather than continuing to view other pages within the same site.   ● Cookie: A small amount of data generated by a website and saved by your web browser to remember information about you.   ● CRM:…

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